Irene Nickelson was the daughter of the late James Robert Rivers who started the first black school in (Rivertown) Yale, Virginia in the 1800's. The school was located in a one room vacant house. There were seven grades and the students learned to read and write. All 13 of Isaac's children and some of his grandchildren attended the school.
The Irene Nickelson Scholarship was established in 2002 because education is the primary foundation of the Rivers' Family. Education gives you the skills and knowledge to be a contributing citizen. It is the building block and foundation to becoming a complete person and it is a part of life that no one can ever take away from you.
In the words of Richard W. Riley, Secretary of Education:
"For it is in the nation's schools that the country's future is conceived, created, and secured. It is in the schools that the country will obtain the greatest returns on its investments."
The Rivers Family Scholarship Committee reviews applications, establishes policy, and solicits scholarship contributions. The committee is accepting applications for 2024 through 2025 school years. Tentative deadline for appying is July 01, 2025. Detail instruction/information will be forthcoming.
An eligible applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a.) Be a descendant of the Rivers Family.
b.) Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment on at least a half-time basis, in a degree, certificate or other program leading to a recognized education credential at and accredited institution. (Must provide proof of enrollment or acceptance)
c.) If enrolled at an institution, must maintain satisfactory academic progress. (attach grade report)
a.) Applicants must submit in writing the reason they are
applying for the scholarship.
b.) Applicant will also be interview by the scholarship
a.) Type or print using blue or black ink. Do not use a pencil
to fill out this form.
b.) Print clearly.
c.) You must provide all of the information and supporting
documents requested.
Scholarship applications are due by July 1st, 2025
To apply for the Rivers Scholarship, click on link below or cut and paste the below application in MS Word. Complete the application and submit to your regional coordinator.
Click Here for the Rivers Scholarship application.
Scholarship Application
Rivers Family Reunion
Instructions: Please type or print using black ink
Section A – Must be completed by the applicant
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City State Zip Code
Telephone Date of Birth
Name of Institution:___________________________(freshman, senior, etc.)__________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
High School: ____________________________________________________________
Name Graduation Date
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Steet City State Zip Code
Email address: ___________________________________________________________
SAT or ACT Exam Date ______ Verbal Score_______ Math Score_______
Section B – Please check the following applicable:
I have been accepted by the college Date__________
I am waiting to hear about acceptance Date__________
I have complete at least year Date__________
I am currently in my 1st, 2nd, 3rd or final year Date__________
Describe special circumstances
Section C – To be complete by the parent/legal guardian of the dependent applicant:
Name __________________________________________________________________
Relationship to applicant____________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Telephone Number Home ( ) __________________________
Parent’s/Legal Guardian Signature ____________________________ Date
To see a list of companies and organizations that have donated money for scholarships for African Americans.
Click Here for Scholarship List